Our surgeons are equipped with the most advanced technology to customize your surgical experience.
Initially, this disease doesn’t usually have symptoms and can rob you of your vision. We’re here to check and help.
From excessive tearing to irritated red eyes, we have innovative ways to treat your dry eyes.
We specialize in the treatment of disorders and diseases of the cornea no matter the condition.
No matter what is happening with your retina, we offer both medical and surgical solutions that are available now.
Conveniently located inside of our clinic, our optical offers a wide range of affordable and quality options.
Our providers, patient coordinators, ophthalmic technicians, surgical coordinators, and opticians provide our patients with the knowledge they need to make the most informed decisions. We understand the importance of choosing a health care provider, which is why our entire office is dedicated to the highest quality patient care. With over 50 years of experience, our doctors have performed thousands of surgical and non-surgical treatments.
Committed to our patients, we offer 24-hour phone service for those with an emergency. From comprehensive eye exams to complex surgical procedures, our patients enjoy the benefits of a professional staff and advanced technologies all conveniently located at the Colorado Eye Institute.
Here are a few testimonials from our patients: