Throughout the years our office has grown in many ways, but despite the changes one thing has stayed the same, our love for giving back to our community. Whether we are outside constructing a trail or promoting a good cause in our office, CEI is always doing something fun and exciting! Check out some of the latest events at our office:
The men at CEI supported the nationally known Movember Foundation by raising money to donate towards research and preventative care for men’s health. Setting our goal high, we were able to raise $1,147! We owe a big thank you to our patients, friends, staff, and family for supporting us throughout the month of November.
(Pictured top left ‘week one progress’, top right ‘week three progress’, bottom ‘last day of movember’)

Holiday shopping can be overwhelming for some, but our staff shopped until we dropped this season! Our local Adopt-A-Family organization gathers a list of families in need of a little extra holiday spirit and this year, CEI adopted three of them. We had a blast shopping as a team and even more fun wrapping all the presents.

For the second year in a row, we are proud to announce that Colorado Eye Institute, CS LASIK Institute, Peak Surgery Center, and Colorado Aesthetic Center were host sites for Christmas Unlimited Toy Drive. For those of you who are not familiar, Christmas Unlimited collects and distributes toys to parents – making them their child’s hero. We were able to collect and donate over 300 toys last year so let’s see if we can top that for 2017!